We had quite an eventful weekend for having nothing to do...
I spent a little bit of time going through the goodies from our container and arranging a few little things that I bought for myself along with a lot of laundering of vintage French linens. One of my favorite things that I could not wait to get were the books that I bought from Sharon when we were staying at her house... love them!
We had dinner outside by the pool which was lovely, and the caprese was perfection.
I rearranged my mirror collage in the living room finally, adding some bigger pieces and a variety of shapes.
A quick visit to the flea market and the farmers market on Sunday morning was in order, then a late lunch with my sisters and mom!
My last little note is about a comment that I received on a post about spelling.. I will say that I am not a wonderful speller and I will never win a spelling bee, I rely heavily on spell check and I look up anything I am in doubt on, that is my pre-comment here. I appreciate a nice email to help me when I have made a mistake, and I do get them and I do make them, however, I do not appreciate a rude comment form an Anonymous commenter correcting me when I was already correct. Please understand that many of us write blogs because we enjoy them and because we like to share with others, please don't waste anybody's time, yours or mine by being mean or rude. That just ruins it for everyone because it makes the writer hesitant to be themselves, and it makes us edit comments heavily to keep your negativity to a minimum. I will tell you the same thing I tell my kids BE NICE!
There are so many wonderful readers out there and I do hope you will continue to comment as it lets me know you are still out there, please forgive me for my little rant!!
Happy Monday! :)
p.s. here are a couple of little pictures from our container that we unloaded last week. We will be having a little sale and gathering to celebrate. More to come this week on that!

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